19th February 2025


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When you are healthier, you will feel more motivated, improved performance, and more energised. Here are 5 steps to wellbeing:-

CONNECT – with people around you, friends, colleagues, family, neighbours.  Aim to develop these relationships.

LEARN – new skills which can give you more confidence. Learn a language, how to play an instrument, dancing, baking etc.

TAKE NOTICE – be aware around you of the birds, flowers, trees, sounds, use all your   senses to see, smell, touch, hear and taste.

GIVE– of your time, your words, a smile, a thank you or a kind word. You could volunteer at a local centre and increase your social networks.

BE ACTIVE – instead of going to the gym there are lots of ways to be active e.g. use the lift not the stairs, cycling, get off the bus a stop early, park as far away from where you are going.

The Five Ways to Wellbeing above were developed by the New Economics Foundation (NEF) on behalf of the Foresight Commission in the UK. 

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