19th February 2025

Ditch the Headphones – even for a few minutes

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Walking along a woodland area at the weekend, I saw several people running or walking their dogs with headphones in their ears. Possibly the music was good and let them relax, or did it? How safe is it when someone is on their own and would they hear a bike coming from behind?

About a couple of years ago, I attended mindfulness classes mainly to find out what it was about so that I could tell others whether in training sessions or on a one-to-one basis.

One thing I always do remember is to be aware of our surroundings and to use all of our senses. When out walking especially in wooded areas the green can be very calming and it is great listening to the birds and seeing them fly from tree to tree. Look at the sky and whether it is blue, the sun out or cloudy or raining and being aware of it all. It is good to be aware of the peace and tranquillity and to smell the mown grass or breathing in good fresh air away from traffic.

Seeing the dogs running past or fetching a ball as they are so happy to be released from their lead and enjoying the freedom to run and maybe chase another dog…. can make us feel like walking that bit quicker or why not just take our time.

It is amazing how walkers do often say ‘hello’ and maybe smile when they go past and if you don’t do this, try it and see how it can make your day as well as someone else’s day.

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