Being Healthier at Work and at Home
When you are healthier at work you will feel more motivated, improved performance, and more energised. Here are 5 steps to mental and physical wellbeing:-
CONNECT – with people around you, friends, colleagues, family, neighbours. Aim to develop these relationships.
LEARN – new skills which can give you more confidence. Learn a language, how to play an instrument, dancing, baking etc.
TAKE NOTICE – be aware around you of the birds, flowers, trees, sounds, use all your senses to see, smell, touch, hear and taste.
GIVE – of your time, your words, a smile, a thank you or a kind word. You could volunteer at a local centre and increase your social networks.
BE ACTIVE – instead of going to the gym there are lots of ways to be active e.g. use the stairs not the lift, cycling, get off the bus a stop early, park as far away from where you are going such as at the supermarket.
The above are all good ways to improve the health and wellbeing of yourself and all around you. It is a great way to challenge yourself or to set up challenges at work.
Challenges at Work
Some challenge at work examples are:-
A step challenge – how many steps in a day or how many steps walking up and down the stairs.
Walk around the block at lunchtime with a group taking in the sounds, what you see and being aware of all around you
Start volunteering at a food bank or help at a carer charity and this could be with different people each week
Picking up litter in a nearby park or near a river
Are there any other ones you have carried out or are about to start?